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Arizona Family Files Lawsuit After Finding Live Bat in Las Vegas Resort Room

LAS VEGAS – A Las Vegas Strip resort is facing legal action as an Arizona family claims they encountered a live bat during their stay last year, leading to fears of rabies and subsequent medical treatment. The Rucker family, consisting of eight members, lodged at New York-New York in April 2022 when the unsettling incident occurred.

The lawsuit outlines the events as follows:

On April 7, 2022, the Rucker family and two other families traveled to Las Vegas for a volleyball tournament. After a day of activities, they retired to their room for sleep. At 4 a.m., Marcus Rucker was startled awake by a noise emanating from the window curtains.

Upon investigating, he discovered a live bat hanging from the curtains. Marcus took matters into his own hands and killed the bat, placing it in a plastic cup before leaving it in a stairwell.

The same day, Marcus reported the incident to the front desk staff, providing details about the bat’s location. The resort subsequently disposed of the bat.

In response to the unsettling discovery, Marcus contacted the Maricopa County Arizona Health Department for guidance. The health department advised testing the bat for rabies and recommended that the entire family undergo testing as well.

Marcus reached out to New York-New York, owned by MGM Resorts International, requesting that the bat be preserved for testing purposes. Unfortunately, he was informed that the bat had already been discarded.

As a precautionary measure, the Rucker family had to undergo a series of painful injections to mitigate the risk of rabies transmission.

The lawsuit has been filed seeking compensation for damages exceeding $15,000. A future hearing date has yet to be scheduled for the case.

Credits: Fox 5 Vegas

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