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Disruption at Clark County School Board Meeting: Two Teachers Handcuffed

LAS VEGAS – Tensions flared during Thursday’s Clark County School Board meeting, resulting in the handcuffing and removal of at least two teachers who became disruptive. The incident unfolded amid ongoing negotiations between the Clark County School District and the Clark County Education Association (CCEA) over a new contract for teachers.

Around 5,000 teachers gathered in front of the Greer Education Center, the meeting’s venue, to rally for better pay and express their concerns. The meeting began as scheduled but quickly descended into chaos as dozens of teachers chanted and shouted demands for improved compensation and the superintendent’s removal.

Clark County School District Police intervened, handcuffing two teachers and escorting another man out of the meeting without handcuffs. This marked a continuation of disruptions observed during the previous school board meeting on August 10.

CCEA President Marie Niesess emphasized the importance of fair compensation to retain and recruit educators, asserting that the proposed offer is transformative. CCEA has proposed a 10% increase in the first year and 8% in the second year using funds from Nevada’s historic investment in public education. In contrast, CCSD’s latest proposal offers 8.5% in the first year and 2% in the following year.

The ongoing negotiations are a critical point of contention, with CCEA calling for substantial raises to address financial challenges faced by educators. The disruption prompted Clark County School District’s response, asserting that negotiations should occur at the bargaining table and that disruptions will not deter their commitment to educating students.

After the situation was brought under control and disruptive participants were removed, the Board of Trustees continued with the meeting’s agenda.

Credits: 8 News Now

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