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Hackers Claim to Have Stolen Student Data from Clark County School District

Las Vegas, NV – Hackers are claiming to have stolen hundreds of thousands of student personnel records from the Clark County School District (CCSD). The hackers claim to have been in the district’s network for “a few months” and have attached zip files to their emails that link to more than 200,000 student profiles, student medical records, and suspension and attendance records.

CCSD notified the public on Thursday that it was cooperating with the FBI on a cybersecurity hack. The district has not confirmed that the data has been stolen, but it is working to identify all the individuals whose information may have been compromised.

Cybersecurity experts are advising parents not to engage with the hackers or click on any links in their emails. They also recommend that parents change their passwords monthly and create long passwords.

The hackers claim in their email to parents that CCSD refused to pay a ransom for its data. The district has not commented on this claim.

This is the latest in a string of cyberattacks on schools across the United States. Hackers are increasingly targeting schools because they are often understaffed and underfunded, making them easier targets.

The CCSD hack is a reminder of the importance of cybersecurity for schools and other organizations that store sensitive data. Schools should take steps to protect their networks from attack, and parents should be aware of the risks of cybercrime and take steps to protect their children’s data.

Here are some tips for parents to protect their children’s data:

  • Change your passwords monthly and create long passwords.
  • Be careful about what information you share online, especially on social media.
  • Be aware of phishing scams and other cybercrime tactics.
  • Talk to your children about cybersecurity and how to stay safe online.

If you believe that your child’s data may have been compromised in the CCSD hack, you should contact the district immediately.

Credits: 8 News Now

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