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Nevada DMV Rejects Hundreds of Vanity Plates: From Vegas Golden Knights References to Anti-Californian Slogans

Nevada’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) plays gatekeeper to the state’s personalized license plates, rejecting hundreds each year that don’t meet their standards.

Golden Knights Fans Get Shut Out

With the NHL season wrapping up, some fans might have been hoping to commemorate the Vegas Golden Knights’ journey with a personalized plate. However, their enthusiasm for William Karlsson’s infamous Stanley Cup Parade speech wasn’t shared by the DMV. Vanity plates like “DFKNG1” and “DFKN1” were deemed too profane.

Spreading Hate or Celebrating Poop? Not Allowed

Discriminatory messages and vulgarity were top reasons for rejections. Plates like “NOCALI” expressing disdain for Californians and “5FNKIDS” containing profanity were nixed. Even seemingly harmless references to bodily functions like “1F4RT3D” (I farted) and “TURD” didn’t pass the DMV’s test.

Politics and Sex Also Off Limits

Political jabs (“DEMSSUK,” “FJBIDEN”) and sexually suggestive plates (“BOOTEA,” “TINYPPE”) met a similar fate.

Double Entendre Denials

Some rejections were less obvious. “DUUBB” referencing marijuana and “OGVEGAS” potentially hinting at gang affiliation were denied, along with “PD NPD” which could be seen as impersonating law enforcement.

Walking the Approval Tightrope

A few plates raised eyebrows but ultimately squeaked by. “SBOWL” (potentially referencing smoking marijuana), “GL9CK” (referencing a handgun model), and “ITTICKS” (which could be interpreted as a bomb threat) were eventually approved.

Final Word: Check Before You Request

If you’re considering a personalized plate in Nevada, it’s wise to check the DMV’s guidelines beforehand to avoid disappointment. You can also browse the variety of specialty plates offered on the Nevada DMV website.

Credits: KTNV

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