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Hoax Bomb Threats Plague Nevada: Hospitals, Schools, and More Targeted for Weeks

Nevada institutions, including hospitals, schools, government buildings, and even correctional facilities, have been bombarded with bomb-threat hoaxes for the past three weeks, causing disruptions and anxiety across the state.

The Nevada Hospital Association confirmed the disturbing trend in its recent newsletter, stating that virtually all Nevada hospitals received an email claiming explosives were planted and imminent detonation was threatened. While the specific hospitals weren’t mentioned, the Association emphasized that authorities are actively investigating the hoax emails targeting not just healthcare facilities but various institutions across Nevada.

“Federal and local authorities are all involved,” the newsletter states, highlighting the severity of the situation. The FBI confirmed their involvement, emphasizing in an email statement: “The FBI takes hoax threats very seriously because it puts innocent people at risk.” They assured continued collaboration with local law enforcement to gather information and respond appropriately.

Sandra Breault, an FBI spokeswoman, further clarified that both private and public facilities have been targeted, reiterating the seriousness of the matter despite the lack of evidence confirming a specific, credible threat.

The Metropolitan Police Department declined to comment directly, citing their non-lead role in the investigation. However, the widespread and persistent nature of these hoaxes suggests a coordinated effort to sow fear and disruption across Nevada.

The ongoing investigation requires vigilance and cooperation from the public. If you receive any suspicious emails or witness anything relevant, please report it immediately to the authorities. Remember, even hoax threats can cause significant alarm and inconvenience, and it’s crucial to prioritize public safety by taking all threats seriously.

Credits: Review Journal

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