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Volunteers Remove Over 8,500 Pounds of Litter from Lake Tahoe After 4th of July Festivities

NEVADA – Following the 4th of July festivities, many organizations participated in a beach cleanup at Lake Tahoe. This is because Tahoe’s beaches are often left with trash after the holiday, which can harm local wildlife and affect the cleanliness of the lake.

Keep Tahoe Blue volunteers were able to remove 8,559 pounds of litter this year. The League to Save Lake Tahoe has been hosting beach cleanups for the past 10 years to help keep the Lake Tahoe area clean.

This year, with support from over a dozen local businesses and organizations, a group of long-time volunteers from the League hosted several cleanup sites. Local volunteers are proud to say that these beach cleanups have been successful in raising awareness and even visitors have joined in to help.

One volunteer, Robert Ashlyn, shared that he was able to pick up loads of bottles and tissues while helping at the cleanup site.

Credits: Fox5Vegas

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