Washoe County Admits Elections Need ‘Major Overhaul’ After Judge Quickly Dismisses Election Lawsuit

Judge James T. Russell dismissed concrete concerns presented in court which were later affirmed by election officials

Election poll workers wear masks checking ballots during the 2020 primary election day in Nevada. Reno, NV, Jun. 9 2020. (Photo: Trevor Bexon/Shutterstock)

In December 2020, The Record Courier published an article regarding the 2020 General Election, after President Trump’s attorney Jesse Binnall filed a lawsuit challenging the results of the 2020 general election in Nevada. The article outlined how District Court Judge James T. Russell dismissed concrete concerns presented in court which were later affirmed by election officials.

The Courier reported Binnall “…has hard evidence thousands of people voted in the election did so fraudulently…Tens of thousands of ineligible and fraudulent votes were cast in Nevada. We’re talking about people who moved out of Nevada and are still voting here.”  The article goes on to state “Binnall said he has found multiple instances where more than one ballot was delivered to a single address, giving someone the chance to vote more than once. He said they believe that happened thousands of times and that, “some people gave in to the temptation and voted twice.”

Protestor in front of Washoe County Registrars Office (Photo: Source)

Binnall “…blamed the failure to clean up the voter rolls to exclude people not eligible to vote in Nevada.  At least one Douglas County voter said he received a mailed ballot from a neighbor’s home, which he walked over to her.”

Despite these election fraud concerns raised in a court of law under sworn testimony and penalty of perjury, the “…challenge to the results the Nov. 3 election was dismissed by Carson District Judge Todd Russell on Friday after a Thursday hearing.” Not even 24 hours had passed to consider the evidence presented.

The election had been certified. “A week after the Nevada Supreme Court canvassed the 2020 Election and the governor submitted the names of presidential electors for Joe Biden… according to the Nevada Secretary of State’s Office, Biden defeated President Donald Trump 703,486 to 669,890.”

That’s a difference of 33,596 Votes, which Judge Russell deemed moot – a margin of less than 5%, disregarded.

Then in June 2023, The Reno Gazette Journal (RGJ)  published the following article, after an exclusive interview with Registrar of Voters Jaime Rodriguez and Washoe County Manager Eric Brown where Brown noted that the County’s election system needed a massive overhaul: ‘Take it down to the studs and start over,” Brown stated.

Both Rodriguez and Brown fully admitted major issues with Nevada elections – the exact same issues Judge Russell dismissed in 2020. In fact, elections are so badly compromised in the State, that it necessitated legislators to spend $30 million in taxpayer dollars to overhaul voter registration processes.

To add insult to injury, Brown, without taxpayer approval, spent $100,000 taxpayer dollars to conduct an elections audit which only confirmed Binnall’s 2020 assertions: Nevada’s elections are compromised.  In fact, the article admits that Washoe County’s Registrar of Voters is “significantly understaffed”, the public was “getting multiple different answers to the same question”, the County has “known election process problems”, and even goes so far as to admit numerous issues with voter rolls.

“Maintaining accurate voter rolls has been a frequent topic of criticism – the argument goes that if there are flaws in the list of who’s allowed to vote, there are flaws in the election process,” the RGJ notes.

Perhaps if Judge Russell had considered the evidence brought forth by Binnall in 2020 and the issues of election integrity affirmed by Washoe County leadership, taxpayers wouldn’t have had to foot the bill for a $100,000 audit.

Which begs the question: If the Registrar of Voters and Washoe County leadership arrived at the same conclusion as Attorney Jesse Binnall in 2020, in that elections processes in the Silver State are so badly broken and necessitate a major overhaul, then why did Judge James Todd Russell so quickly dismiss the lawsuit presented to the Court and refuse to review or acknowledge hard evidence of election fraud?



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TC Sterling: TC Sterling is a seasoned political strategist and researcher with a financial background. Originally from the Pacific Northwest, TC comes from a military family with a long tradition of service to country. With over a decade of experience in grassroots politics and elections, TC has become a well-respected authority in following the money and uncovering corrupt practices. As an expert in political finance, TC has advised campaigns and organizations on how to navigate the complex web of regulations and rules surrounding campaign finance. TC's ability to track money and follow the trail has been critical in identifying corrupt practices and ensuring that campaigns are transparent and accountable. As an advocate for justice, TC is deeply committed to ensuring that everyone has a fair shot in the political process. TC has a deep-seated passion for law and order, and believes that accountability and transparency are critical for a healthy democracy. TC has also been a vocal whistleblower on corrupt practices at the municipal, state, and federal levels. TC's commitment to integrity and honesty has earned them both respect and admiration from colleagues and activists alike. As a political strategist and activist driven by a sense of purpose and a desire to make a difference in the world of politics, TC Sterling is dedicated to bringing about positive change in the world. Whether working on campaigns, advising organizations, or speaking out against corruption, TC is a powerful force for good in the world of politics.
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