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Henderson Daycare Worker Fired After Abuse Allegations; More Parents Come Forward

Photo Credit: KTNV

HENDERSON, NV – A Henderson daycare worker faces potential charges after a disturbing video surfaced showing alleged abuse of a 3-year-old girl. The accused worker has been fired from DJ’s Christian Preschool/Daycare, but a growing number of parents and ex-staffers are now sharing similar stories, calling for the daycare’s closure.

The incident sparking the current outcry was caught on classroom surveillance footage. It shows a teacher forcibly yanking the child, identified as Lilly, out of view, leading to parental outrage and a swift police investigation. Lilly’s parents were alerted by Henderson Police and say they plan to press charges.

Other Troubling Allegations

Other parents are now coming forward. Breanna Meyers claims her daughter, Icelynn, was physically abused at the same daycare in 2022, leaving marks and causing lasting psychological trauma. A former teacher, requesting anonymity, confirmed witnessing abusive behavior towards infants and claims the daycare sought to cover up negative incidents.

Daycare’s Response

The director of DJ’s claims the abusive teacher was fired immediately but disputes other allegations. The daycare’s attorney has not responded to requests for comment.

Demands for Accountability

Lilly’s parents, along with other concerned parents and the former teacher, want the daycare shut down. Lilly’s mother says her daughter is receiving therapy and that the investigation could take months.

Credits: Fox5Vegas

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