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Nevada Joins Chorus of GOP Governors Urging White House to Rethink EV Mandate

LAS VEGAS, NV – Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo has joined his Republican counterparts in a united front against the Biden administration’s proposed electric vehicle (EV) production mandate. Lombardo, along with 15 other GOP governors, signed a letter addressed to President Biden, urging him to reconsider the policy that would require almost two-thirds of new vehicles sold in the U.S. to be battery-electric by 2032.

The governors argue that the mandate is both unrealistic and economically harmful, stating that it would impose undue burdens on consumers and businesses. The Republican Governors Association summarizes their stance in the letter: “The American customer should be able to decide what technology makes most sense for them, not the federal government.”

Beyond concerns about individual choice, the letter highlights the crucial infrastructure issue. The governors argue that a nationwide rollout of EVs requires a robust charging network and readily available raw materials, calling for investment in the domestic minerals industry.

This development comes on the heels of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) submitting its proposed emission regulations for new vehicles to the White House. Under the initial proposal, automakers would have to produce significantly more EVs – 60% by 2030 and 67% by 2032 – to comply.

Reaction to the EPA’s plan has been divided. Environmental groups, unsurprisingly, advocate for stricter regulations, while automakers, represented by the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, have slammed the proposed goals as “neither reasonable nor achievable.”

Governor Lombardo’s decision to join the growing chorus of dissent against the EV mandate reflects a broader Republican concern about government overreach. Whether the White House heeds the governors’ pleas and reconsiders the policy remains to be seen, but Lombardo’s stance on this issue adds another layer of complexity to the ongoing debate about America’s transportation future.

Credits: News3LV

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