ELKO, Nev. (775 Times, NV Globe) – On Monday, an Elko man was detained for reportedly shooting at a family member on the upper Elko Indian Colony.
The Elko Special Response Team was summoned to the colony for the second time in recent days, according to the Elko Police Department. While the FBI and the Bureau of Indian Affairs share jurisdiction over law enforcement on tribal grounds, the FBI requested the aid of the Elko ESRT Team in both cases.
Derick J. Lopez, 38, a tribal member, was being investigated in the shooting event, and it was discovered that he was at a property on Wongobi Street with a 13-year-old family member.
Crisis negotiators sought to reach Lopez while ESRT troops encircled the home. He surrendered to ESRT operatives after about 15 minutes. Nobody was hurt.
Lopez was arrested and booked into Elko County Jail on three unspecified tribal charges after being turned over to FBI and BIA agents.
The FBI also requested assistance from the Elko Special Response Team after an abduction was reported early Saturday morning, with the suspect and victim in a property on Arrow Lane.
ESRT officials surrounded the home, and members of the Crisis Negotiations Unit began negotiating the victim’s release.
The victim was released after about an hour and a half, and suspect Oscar J. Hanes, 41, surrendered to ESRT operatives.
The Elko Police Department had primary authority over the case since neither Hanes nor the victim were enrolled tribe members.
Hanes was arrested for attempted murder, abduction, sexual assault on a juvenile, assault with a dangerous weapon, and battery by strangling. The bail was set at $710,000.
Elko Police Department and Elko County Sheriff’s Department personnel make up the Elko Special Response Team and Crisis Negotiations Unit.
Credits: Elko Daily
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