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Nevada Flunks Tobacco Control Report, Failing to Protect Residents from Smoking’s Grip

Nevada – Nevada’s fight against tobacco use just hit a major snafu. The American Lung Association’s annual “State of Tobacco Control” report, released Wednesday, paints a grim picture for the Silver State, awarding a failing grade in four out of five crucial categories.

Deadly Toll:

Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death in Nevada and the nation, claiming over 4,000 lives within the state’s borders alone. Despite this alarming statistic, Nevada’s efforts to curb tobacco use are falling short.

Failing Grades:

The report grades states on five key areas: funding for anti-smoking programs, tobacco taxes, smoke-free workplace laws, accessibility of smoking cessation treatments, and the banning of flavored tobacco products. Nevada garnered a dismal F in all areas except smoke-free workplaces, where it managed a meager C.

Funding Cuts Sting:

This year’s report highlights a worrying decrease in anti-smoking program funding, slashed by $2.5 million. This budget setback puts a strain on already limited resources dedicated to combating tobacco’s grip on Nevada residents.

Flavored Temptation Lingers:

Another red flag: Nevada lacks any legislation restricting the sale of flavored tobacco products, a gateway for adolescents and vulnerable populations to become hooked on nicotine. This absence of regulation leaves the door wide open for the tobacco industry to target young customers with deceptive flavors.

Light at the End of the Tunnel?:

Despite the bleak outlook, there’s a glimmer of hope. The American Lung Association is pushing for a comprehensive smoke-free law encompassing all public and workspaces, including the iconic casinos. Such a measure would provide crucial protection from secondhand smoke for Nevada’s diverse workforce.

National Landscape:

Nevada isn’t alone in its struggle. While the federal government fared slightly better with a D in treatment access, it flunked federal tobacco tax levels and remains stuck in limbo on raising the minimum tobacco purchase age to 21.

California Shines, Others Falter:

California stands out as the sole state with A’s across all categories, showcasing the potential for effective tobacco control policies. On the other end of the spectrum, Alabama and Georgia mirror Nevada’s dismal performance, receiving Fs in every category.

Credits: This Is Reno

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