Nevada Governor Lombardo Appoints New Chief of Staff for 2024

NEVADA – As Vegas prepares for the fireworks of a new year, Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo is getting ready for a different kind of celebration: welcoming a new Chief of Staff to his administration.

Ben Kieckhefer, who steered the ship through the governor’s first year, will be stepping down early in 2024. Stepping into his shoes is Ryan Cherry, a seasoned government veteran with experience both inside and outside the Nevada political landscape.

Governor Lombardo expressed his deep gratitude for Kieckhefer’s contributions, stating, “Ben accomplished everything I asked of him… His leadership during the 2023 Legislative Session was critical in our many successes.” With the foundational year successfully navigated, Lombardo emphasized, “My office and state government are in great shape heading into the next phase of the administration.”

Cherry, no stranger to the political arena, brings a diverse skillset to the table. His resume boasts stints as Chief of Staff to Lt. Governor Mark Hutchison and Rural Director for U.S. Senator Dean Heller. Beyond government, Cherry honed his expertise in natural resources, mining, and energy as a consultant for the past six years.

Lombardo lauded Cherry’s qualifications, praising “his experience inside and outside of government.” He elaborated, “He has worked with the Legislature, understands the structure of state government, and he will be able to work on the diverse policy subjects that will cross his desk.”

Cherry’s arrival will not be entirely cold turkey. He will shadow Kieckhefer for a period, ensuring a smooth handover and continuity within the Governor’s office. His official start date is January 17, giving Nevada a glimpse into the policy priorities and administrative style of the administration’s next chapter.

As Nevada welcomes the new year, the appointment of Ryan Cherry as Chief of Staff signals a fresh perspective and renewed energy for the Lombardo administration. Whether this marks a shift in policy focus or a continuation of established priorities remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: with Cherry at the helm, the Silver State’s political landscape is about to get interesting.

Credits: Fox 5 Vegas

Copyright 2022 775 Times, NV Globe. All rights reserved.

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View Comments (1)

  • Mr cherry as the governor's chief of staff I would like you to forward this to the governor the people of Boulder city and Henderson would like the governor to keep the henderson D M V open we are told that they are closing that office in about a year. If the governor wants to be reelected again I would consider keeping it open because the people from Boulder city and Henderson will vote him out so think twice about it. Thankyou.

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