House Majority PAC Ad Features Doctor Criminally Charged Of Sexual Assault, Lewd Acts With A Minor

Dr. Levy entered an Alford Plea of ‘Guilty’ to a lesser account of child abuse and neglect and was sentenced to probation

Dr. Adam Levy featured in House Majority PAC ad. (Photo: House Majority Pack)

The House Majority PAC, a Democratically-aligned political action committee, recently released an ad featuring Dr. Adam Levy, who is on staff at the Birth Control Care Center, the “oldest and most trusted abortion clinic in Las Vegas, Nevada.” According to his bio, Dr. Levy also has an “active clinical practice at the UNLV Medicine Women’s Center, University Medical Center, and the Sunrise Hospital Medical Center.”

At the end of the ad, Dr. Levy claims, “April Becker is a dangerous threat to the women of Nevada.” According to the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners, Dr. Levy, has a history of medical malpractice, including killing a woman in a botched abortion.

Outside of the horror of a botched abortion, resulting in the death of an expectant mother, one has to also question why the House Majority PAC featured Dr. Levy in their attack ad, as The Globe received court documents that show Dr. Levy was criminally charged by the State of Nevada of SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A MINOR UNDER 16 YEARS OLD AND LEWDNESS WITH A CHILD UNDER 14 YEARS OLD. (Emphasis per court documents. See below).

(Editors Warning: content is graphic and disturbing. Names of minors have been redacted)



Dr. Levy later entered an Alford Plea of Guilty to lesser counts of child abuse and neglect and was sentenced to probation. The terms of his probation include: not having contact with his victims; no possession of pornography and child pornography; and participation in a sex offender counseling program.

Child Abuse and Neglect (1)


Dr. Levy currently serves on the board of the Vegas Golden Knights Center of Excellence, a center which is sanctioned by the U.S. Figure Skating Association and provides training and instruction to young boys and girls in the sport.

The Globe has contacted the President of the Board for comment with regards to Dr. Levy’s court records. At the time of publishing, we have yet to receive a comment. We will update the story if and when a comment is provided.




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Megan Barth: Megan Barth is the founding editor of The Nevada Globe. She has written for The Hill, The Washington Times, The Daily Wire, American Thinker, Canada Free Press and The Daily Caller and has appeared frequently on, among others, Headline News CNN, NewsMax TV and One America News Network. When she isn't editing, writing, or talking, you can find her hiking and relaxing in The Sierras. She was the Main Editor from August 2021 to December 2024.

View Comments (3)

  • This article is a partisan hack job and clearly defamatory. Once again, the party of fake news survives by openly lying. Adam Levy has a great case against this "news" organization for maliciously defaming him by publishing false and defamatory claims. The link you provide makes it clear that the NV Board of Medical Examiners did not find Levy at fault for any "botched abortion" leading to the death of any woman. But your target audience doesn't care - they won't check that source and discover that you're lying, because that's not what they want to believe. You clearly make your living profiting off of deliberately misleading those unfortunate souls who share your worldview but don't have the self-awareness or wherewithal to gather actually credible information. In your case, there's no such excuse. Poor grammar and obvious agenda aside, your article makes it clear that you have the intelligence to know that your actions are directly harmful to our local and national communities. Get a life. Find a reason to live that doesn't involve fear or hatred of things you don't understand.

  • How is it possible that this person has access to minors?! this situation cannot continue. It is an irresponsibility. Minors should be protected from ped* files like him.

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