Nevada DETR Reports Rise in Unemployment
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, January 20, 2023 5:00 am
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (702 Times, NV Globe) – Jobs were lost statewide in December, according to the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR), and the unemployment rate increased.
In December, 1,300 jobs were lost in Nevada, according to DETR. 1,600 jobs were lost in the Las Vegas region, while nearly 700 more were added in Reno and Carson City.
The state’s unemployment rate increased slightly from 4.9% in November to 5.2% in December. According to DETR, the state may have one of the highest unemployment rates in the country.
“Annual job growth remains relatively high at 3.8 percent but is moderating with a slight decline from November’s peak,” DETR Chief Economist David Schmidt said in a release. “The unemployment rate rose above 5 percent, and is likely to remain one of the highest rates in the country when national data is released next week. The labor force participation rate also increased, suggesting that workers continue to re-enter the workforce. “
Credits: FOX 5 VEGAS
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