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Trespass Charge Dropped Against Private Investigator Seeking Missing Person

Reno, NV – A trespass charge initially issued against private investigator Tom Green, while searching for a missing person at the Nevada Cares Campus in late January, has been rescinded by Washoe County.

Background of the Incident:

  • Green was approached by private security while walking past their guard shack on Line Drive.
  • A verbal altercation ensued, followed by a trespass notice and the threat of arrest for returning.
  • Green, a retired sheriff’s deputy, maintained he was within his rights and had video footage supporting his claim.
  • Commissioner Mike Clark also voiced his opinion that the security guard was mistaken.

County Rescinds Charge and Clarifies Access:

  • Following a meeting, Washoe County officials acknowledged potential confusion regarding permitted areas.
  • Security Administrator Ben West attributed the incident to “mixed messages” provided by officers.
  • The trespass notice against Green has been reversed.
  • Signage and training are being adjusted to ensure clearer communication about public access.

Dispute over Property Lines and Legal Action:

  • Green contested the county’s claim that he was on their property, citing a map and information from the City of Reno.
  • He previously expressed intent to sue the county over their denial of a public records request for video footage.

Credits: This is Reno

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