Home>702Times>A Clark County Judge Dismisses Case Against Six Electors Allegedly Certifying Trump’s 2020 Nevada Victory

A Clark County Judge Dismisses Case Against Six Electors Allegedly Certifying Trump’s 2020 Nevada Victory

By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, June 22, 2024 11:26 am

Las Vegas, NV —  A Clark County judge has dismissed the case against six Republican electors accused of falsely certifying that Donald Trump won Nevada in the 2020 presidential election. Judge Mary Kay Holthus ruled that Clark County was not the appropriate jurisdiction for the trial.

In her decision, Judge Holthus noted discrepancies highlighted by the defense regarding the locations of the alleged crimes. Notably, at least four of the six electors do not reside in Clark County. The defense argued that Carson City or Douglas County would be more suitable venues for the trial. The false signing ceremony occurred in Carson City, and the fake elector documents were initially mailed from Douglas County.

The state plans to appeal the decision, as indicated by their announcement shortly after the ruling.

The ruling came on a day of heightened tensions, as voting rights organizations held a rally earlier in the morning, calling for the resignation of Storey County Clerk Jim Hindle, one of the indicted electors. Advocates at the rally expressed concerns that Hindle’s involvement in the case undermines voter confidence in his ability to conduct elections fairly and impartially. Hindle also serves as the Vice Chair of the Nevada Republican Party.

In response to the dismissal, the Nevada State Republican Party expressed satisfaction with Judge Holthus’ decision. They also called for public donations to support a legal defense fund.

Among the six electors facing charges is Michael McDonald, chairman of the Nevada GOP. The allegations against these electors stem from a broader national controversy regarding attempts to challenge the 2020 presidential election results.

As the state prepares to appeal, the legal and political ramifications of this case continue to unfold, drawing significant public and media attention.

Source: News3LV

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