Rep Dina Titus Encourages Extreme Left Activist to Run For Office

Titus praised Annette Magnus who leads an organization that has advocated for defunding the police, pushed CRT in schools, and publicly smeared concerned parents

Annette Magnus (Photo @BattleBorn Prog)

In a speech to the Nevada Legislature last week, Dina Titus lauded the leader of Battle Born Progress, Annette Magnus.

During the highly-partisan and divisive address, Titus stated: “You know speaking of legacies I’ve heard recently that Annette Magnus has decided she’s going to retire from Battle Born Progress after this session. I hated to hear that. We all owe Annette a debt of gratitude for what she’s done to educate the public, successfully advocate for important causes and keep the progressive agenda at the forefront of Nevada politics. Godspeed Annette. We’ll miss you here but I don’t think you’ll be a stranger. Maybe you should run for office!”

What is Magnus’ legacy?

Since 2013, Magnus was the Executive Director of Battle Born Progress, a self-described “Public Relations Firm of the Progressive Community in Nevada.”

The “important causes” Titus praised her for included defunding the police, pushing critical theory in schools, advocating for no limits on abortion, and lobbying against school choice.

Under Magnus’ direction, Battle Born Progress advocated for defunding the police. According to a report by the Washington Free Beacon, “In July 2020, Battle Born Progress called to ‘save money by defunding’ the state’s police presence in schools, adding that ‘police officers in schools help foster the school-to-prison pipeline.”

Adding to her leftist credentials is Magnus’ close relationship with Las Vegas activist Akiko-Ayalla Cooks of the Mass Liberation Project who proposed “abolishing the criminal legal system as we know it,” defunding the Las Vegas Police Department and likened policing to “terrorism.”

Democratic Assembly Majority Leader Steve Yeager amplified the organization’s tweet claiming that school choice was nothing more than a voucher scam:

As reported by The Globe, testing scores of 3rd to 8th grade students in Clark County, taken and published by Smart Balance Assessments, show that only 3.9% of Black students and 7.4% of Hispanic students were proficient in Math. In English, 11.2% of Black students and 15.7% of Hispanic students were proficient. Overall, only 20 percent of Clark County students tested proficient in English Language Arts. In math, it was 11.5 percent.

Although Nevada ranks 49th in education, Magnus advocated teaching Critical Race Theory to young children in public schools because”‘young people need to know this information.'” When a mother spoke out against the teaching of CRT at a Washoe County School Board meeting, Magnus’ group called the woman “another Karen” who holds “conspiracy-laden beliefs.”

Upon viewing Titus’ tirade, the NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen told The Globe: Dina Titus isn’t hiding her dangerous extremism any more. Titus thinks this extreme activist who advocated defunding police, pushed Critical Race Theory and attacked parents belongs in public office.”

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Megan Barth: Megan Barth is the founding editor of The Nevada Globe. She has written for The Hill, The Washington Times, The Daily Wire, American Thinker, Canada Free Press and The Daily Caller and has appeared frequently on, among others, Headline News CNN, NewsMax TV and One America News Network. When she isn't editing, writing, or talking, you can find her hiking and relaxing in The Sierras. She was the Main Editor from August 2021 to December 2024.

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  • We are at war for the sole and founding of this country and the only ones who seem to know it are the communist on the left. Another election cycle or two with the cheating unchecked and the United will never recover.

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