Home>Feature>OPINION: Blindfolded Trust – The Unacceptable Status Quo of Nevada’s Elections

OPINION: Blindfolded Trust – The Unacceptable Status Quo of Nevada’s Elections

By Andy Thompson, February 19, 2025 8:00 am

Let’s observe three things about the 2024 General Election here in Nevada that are the subject matters of a lawsuit, a Contest of the Election, currently before the 8th District Court:

1.On November 8th, from the Secretary of State’s reporting, both Washoe and Clark Counties showed a Decrement in the Mailed Ballot totals in the amount of 28,869 ballots! Now, the Secretary of State claims a “copy and paste” error by Clark County caused the problem. Also, Clark County claims that the error was due to the Secretary of State’s office making a typo, and twice now the Secretary of State’s office has officially claimed that fixing the “copy and paste” error by Clark County magically fixes Washoe County’s decrement as well.

Not only has this Decrement drawn Clark County and the Secretary of State’s office into an unresolved “he said, she said” conflict but the Secretary of State’s office has doubled down on an explanation that utterly fails to properly reconcile the “error” and also neglects to account for the two counties that contributed to the decrement in ballot totals reported.

Herein is demonstrated the conditions of incompetency, opacity and negligence with those who administer our elections. This is not how a Republic functions.

2.On November 11th, from the Secretary of State’s reporting, 39,935 out of 41,489 mailed ballots received and counted had an Undervote in the presidential ticket. That is, of the 41,489 ballots reported as received and counted, only 1,554 ballots contained votes for any presidential candidate. Statistically, this is appallingly unlikely and represents an extreme failure of the ballot scanning equipment to accurately compute vote totals at best, or an egregious ballot stuffing operation, taking full advantage of the capricious and cavalier interpretation and application of Nevada law allowing un-postmarked ballots to be received and counted days after the election, at worst.

Herein is demonstrated that Nevada fundamentally lacks a system of checks and balances and self-auditing sufficient to prevent such an extreme aberration from being calculated and published as final and true. This is not how a Republic survives.

3.On November 15th the Clark County Board of Commissioners voted to Certify the 2024 General Election, declaring that all tests, certifications and operations meant to ensure a secure, accurate and transparent election had been met and/or performed and were thereby guaranteeing the election results to be utterly trustworthy.

By November 30th the Cast Vote Record was examined and it was determined to be a forgery by mathematical and statistical analysis. Parallelism (visible in the graph below) between Trump voters and Harris voters conclusively shows that the CVR is constructed not out of the votes expressive of the will of the People of Nevada but by the will of others, whoever they may be, willing and able to subvert, corrupt and destroy the security, accuracy and transparency of our elections.

This Parallelism shows an abhorrent synchronicity between Trump and Harris voters: though elections are inherently random in both the casting and tabulating of votes, and Trump and Harris voters do by nature vote in different patterns, Parallelism in the Cast Vote Record has destroyed randomness demonstrating that an unlawful intrusion has been made. The existence of Parallelism in the Cast Vote Record in Nevada, displaying remarkable sameness where there should be remarkable difference, is clear evidence that our elections are anything but secure, accurate and transparent: they are, in fact, fraudulent. This is not how a Republic is kept.

Article IV Section IV of the United States Constitution is the affirmation by man that the Almighty, whose good mercy and grace has given us this great nation, has placed into our care the blessing of self-government, and We the People are thereby guaranteed a Republican form of Government. Republican Government requires an undeniable thing to be true: that elections are in their totality the manifestation of the express will of the People.

The 2024 General Election has shown us once again, however, that We the People are being corralled into group-think and manipulated into a blindfolded trust that our elections are fundamentally secure, accurate and transparent. They are fundamentally none of those things.

An election is to be the unimpeded expression of both the conscience of man to self-govern and to serve those who do, and we should have the confidence to say that it so is. Yet, in Nevada and throughout this nation, the right to have secure, accurate and transparent elections has been effectively replaced by dictatorial edict to trust, in blindfolded faith, that our elections transcend and escape any and all corrupt influence.

How can this be when unlimited mailed ballots can be counted with no postmark to prove it arrived in the timeframe required under law?

How can this be when our voter rolls, which are the basis of mailed ballots, are dirtier than USAID funds sitting in Bill Clinton’s sock drawer?

How can this be when the gaslighting scheme of signature verification ridiculously passes as proof that the ballot inside the envelope was filled out by the voter?

How can this be when officials at the Clark County Elections Department refuse to answer questions and, when they do, have the gall to tell us that transparency is not determined by human eyes beholding and scrutinizing the process but by Certified machines, whose programming is prohibited from being viewed in order to protect the money in the pocket of election system vendors, and rigorous Testing, which is now fully proven to be but Kabuki Theater for the pliable, ignorant masses to celebrate while the conquering armies march under the wall to victory?

Contrary to deluded popular opinion, Nevada’s elections are demonstrably and fatally flawed.

Given these things, how can it be that we are being told to trust, without question, our election results? In fact, we should not trust but rather question them. We must demand not only a full forensic audit into Nevada’s election ecosystem but also the repeal and rejection of all law and statute that has facilitated the existence of such elections which are repugnant to the Constitutional Republic established by our United States Constitution.

By Andy Thompson

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Andy Thompson
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