OPINION: Federal Mass Conspiracy to Forge Cast Vote Records
By Edward Solomon, February 18, 2025 8:00 am
1: Colorado’s 2020 General Election and why it Matters for Nevada
In the graph below on the left, you will see the impossible.
During Arapahoe County’s 2020 General Election, a total of 354,267 ballots were cast. Three percent of this total equals 10,628 ballots.
The horizontal axis represents the percentage of all ballots counted, ordered in the sequence they were processed at the Central Tabulation Unit. For example, when the horizontal axis reads 50%, it signifies that half of all ballots — 177,133 — have been counted. We refer to this horizontal axis as “County-Normalized Time,” where the clock progresses one tick with each new ballot counted.
This structured progression is analogous to a timing belt in an engine. Just as a timing belt advances in discrete notches, synchronizing all moving parts of the engine, the ballot count advances in discrete steps, preserving the ordered sequence of processing.
We analyzed every possible set of 10,628 consecutive ballots—a moving window representing 3% of all ballots cast. For each window, we separated voters into Trump voters and Biden voters and then calculated:
● The percentage of Trump voters who opposed Proposition B (red line).
● The percentage of Biden voters who opposed Proposition B (blue line).
And this is where the impossible happens. At every point in time, Republicans (defined as Trump voters in the State-Certified Cast Vote Record) and Democrats (defined as Biden voters in the State-Certified Cast Vote Record) voted identically on Proposition B!
● When Republican opposition rose to 49%, so did Democrat opposition rise to 49% (see time = 12%).
● When Democrat opposition dropped to 36%, Republicans mirrored that exact drop (see time = 51%).
This perfect lockstep is an event so rare that its probability is 1 in 10¹¹⁰ — that’s a 1 followed by 110 zeros! For comparison, the number of protons in the universe is approximately 1080 !
We calculated this probability by scrambling the Cast Vote Record at the precinct level. To ensure that any demographic or geographic biases remain intact, we preserve the original order of precincts while randomizing the sequence of ballots within each precinct. This allows us to test whether such a synchronized voting pattern could naturally occur. Even under these conditions, the observed lockstep remains statistically impossible.
In short, we measure the expected correlation between the rates of change of the Red and Blue lines (the first derivative). As shown in the graph on the right above the expected correlation is essentially zero over one million trials. However, in the actual election, the correlation is 0.99 — more than 20 standard deviations above the mean expectation! This level of correlation is statistically extraordinary and highly unlikely to occur by chance.
For the record, a 5-sigma result — five standard deviations — is sufficient to win a Nobel Prize in Particle Physics. A 20-sigma result, on the other hand, qualifies us for four Nobel Prizes in Election Fraud.
So why does this matter for Nevada? Because it matters for all elections in the modern digital age. It demonstrates that Mass Statewide Algorithmic Election Fraud is not only possible, but has already occurred, and it has evaded the Risk-Limiting Audit Procedure.
2: What was Proposition B and Comparing Arapahoe to Other Colorado Counties
Proposition B sought to repeal the Gallagher Amendment to Colorado’s State Constitution. Unlike amendments, which require 55% approval, a repeal only needs 50% of the vote. Proposition B passed with 57% support. The aftermath was significant — property taxes doubled, if not tripled, in many areas.
And Arapahoe County wasn’t the only place where Proposition B was manipulated—it’s just the easiest county to explain. That being said, Arapahoe County played the most pivotal role by providing the largest number of fraudulent Yes votes, ultimately pushing through this highly unpopular measure.
The Arapahoe manipulation involved flipping 23,031 No votes to Yes votes — which when doubled (since each flip removes a No and adds a Yes) creates a 46,062-vote margin that helped secure Proposition B’s passage. For a detailed breakdown of how this number was derived, see pages 42 to 44 in the link below:
● Dark Red (above 50%) – The cumulative percentage of Republicans who voted against Proposition B.
● Light Green (above 50%) – The immediate percentage of Republicans voting against Proposition B in each batch.
● Dark Blue (below 35%) – The cumulative percentage of Democrats who voted against Proposition B.
● Orange (below 35%) – The immediate percentage of Democrats voting against Proposition B in each batch.
● The above four lines are the only ones that concern us in this publication.
● Magenta Line – Trump’s share of the incoming batch (with the yellow line oscillating around it representing the exact value).
● Light Pink Line – The exact percentage of Republicans voting No in each batch.
● Light Blue Line – The exact percentage of Democrats voting No in each batch.
● The White Line – The cumulative percentage of all ballots cast for Trump.
Notice that in Mesa County (graph on the left) Republicans are at 55% No and Democrats at 32% No, resulting in a 23% difference — which makes sense, as raising taxes is typically a partisan issue. However, in Arapahoe County, both parties voted exactly 43.0% No. How could this be?
Now, look at El Paso County (graph on the right)… it’s the same. There’s a 25% difference between Democrats and Republicans! In fact, you’ll find a 22% to 34% difference in how Democrats and Republicans voted on Proposition B in every county across Colorado — except Arapahoe!
For those who struggle with math, this is a classic case of “This doesn’t look anything like the others.” It’s like showing up to an 18th-century masquerade ball completely naked, without a mask — outrageous and completely out of place.
Even though we had the Cast Vote Record of Arapahoe County’s 2020 General Election for nearly four years, it wasn’t until March of 2024 that we discovered this manipulation. When looking at the Yes-to-No Ratio without separating the votes by presidential choice nothing seemed out of the ordinary in Arapahoe County’s election.
This illustrates an important point: Election fraud of this scale is not limited to Arapahoe County, Colorado. Instead, it highlights how difficult it is to detect the specific vote combinations used to rig an election, even when there are overwhelming signs of mid-level anomalies readily visible throughout the data. This is why it is so hard to spot fraud on this scale — it is cleverly hidden within the data, disguised by seemingly insignificant patterns that, when combined, create the perfect cover for manipulation.
In fact, we are now so efficient that when Clark County finally released the Cast Vote Record just three days before the legal filing deadline we were still able to crack the Nevada 2024 General Election which exhibited Arapahoe-like Lockstep Motion between the logarithms of the vote ratios, LN(A/C) versus LN(B/D) in more than one of the Ballot Measures, where A=Trump-No, B=Kamala-No, C=Trump-Yes and D=Kamala-Yes.
While this differs from the lockstep motion seen in Arapahoe 2020, which was based on percentages A/(A+C) and B/(B+D), the difference is purely in the method of calculation. Whether it’s Colorado 2020 or Nevada 2024, the trajectories remain in perfect lockstep, exposing the same underlying patterns of manipulation.
This type of lockstep Parallel Motion was also observed in Nevada’s 2024 General Election, in both Clark and Washoe Counties, between Trump and Kamala voters on State Question Number 3 (to adopt Ranked-Choice Voting and Open Primaries) and State Question #6 (to allow abortions without restriction up to seven months/fetal viability).
This synchronized voting pattern strongly suggests coordinated manipulation across different ballot measures, in different counties, in different states and in different. In short, it’s a Federal Mass Conspiracy to Forge Cast Vote Records. These observations from Nevada, Colorado and Arizona in the West to Georgia and Maryland in the East, have all been proven to be well in excess of 10 sigma events (Two Nobel Prizes), underscoring their statistical significance.
Significantly, please recognize that these manipulations have been imposed on every election across the nation and across time at least for 2020, 2022 and 2024. This has totally changed the character of our government in Nevada and across the nation from schoolboard to POTUS. Refer to the links below for detailed analyses of various Nevada elections showing parallel motion and other more mathematically intensive manipulations (the two linked documents were submitted in our Nevada 2024 case of Andy Thompson vs Nevada Secret). Article IV, Section 4, of the United States Constitution, guarantees to each State in this Union a Republican Form of Government. The obvious conclusion is that as long as there are programmable electronic voting systems “computing” election results, the imposed outcomes will not truly reflect the choices of the people. Thus, we do not and will not have a Republican Form of Government.
If this is not proof enough, take my and Robert Beadles $80,000 challenge. Prove us wrong and collect $80,000.
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- OPINION: Federal Mass Conspiracy to Forge Cast Vote Records - February 18, 2025