Washoe County Commission Refuses to Reappoint Incumbent Al Rogers to Library Board

Yesterday, Washoe County commissioners voted against reappointing Trustee Al Rogers to his seat on the county’s library board in a split 3-2 decision.  The commission’s Vice Chair Jeanne Herman, Commissioner Clara Andriola, and Commissioner Mike Clark collectively approved the motion to reject Rogers’s reappointment while the commission’s Chairwoman Alexis Hill...

UNR Celebrates ‘UndocuWeek’ to Highlight Challenges, Successes of Undocumented Immigrants

In an email sent last week to students, faculty and staff, the University of Nevada, Reno announced a week-long celebration that will “highlight the stories, challenges, and successes experienced by undocumented members of the Wolf Pack Family.” Allies of the undocumented community are encouraged to attend various events throughout the...

Homelessness Thrives On The Backs Of Senior Citizens And Taxpayers

Homelessness, or the “unhoused” if you’re a housing activist or activist politician, has grown into a multi-billion dollar business that hasn’t fulfilled its promise to end this growing societal problem. In fact, homelessness has metastasized, in part, due to government inefficiency, government handouts, the economy, pandemic lockdowns, and the drug/mental...