Clark County Office Identifies Remains Found in Callville Bay Near Lake Mead
The Clark County Office Identified the Remains Found in Callville Bay Near Lake Mead on May 7 Author: Nevada Globe Staff NEVADA – The remains discovered on May 7 in the Callville Bay area at Lake Mead have been identified by the Clark County Office of the Coroner/Medical Examiner as...
Nevada’s Moose Population Continues to Grow
Nevada’s Moose Population Continues to Grow Author: Nevada Globe Staff NEVADA – The northeast corner of Nevada is slowly being taken over by moose. And they do it without help from people. The Nevada Department of Wildlife says that this is the first time a big game species has done...
Rare Nevada Fish Nears Endangered Classification
Rare Nevada Fish Nears Endangered Classification Author: Nevada Globe Staff NEVADA – Another step is being made to save a rare, endangered fish. Fish Lake Valley tui chub may qualify for Endangered Species Act protection, FWS announced Monday. F&W will study the fish for a year before deciding whether to...
One Person Dead and Toddler Injured Early Wednesday in East Las Vegas
One Person Died and a Toddler Was Injured Early Wednesday in East Las Vegas Author: Nevada Globe Staff EAST LAS VEGAS – At 2:05 a.m., a four-door car was going south on Pecos Road when, for unknown reasons, the driver turned off the road at Charleston Boulevard. The car then...
Carson City Deputies Make Arrests for Property Destruction, Burglary, and Warrants
Sheriff’s Deputies in Carson City Make Arrests for Property Destruction, Burglary, and Warrants Author: Nevada Globe Staff CARSON CITY – A 56-year-old man was detained Thursday for suspected drug possession and property destruction.Deputies were called about a man who damaged a truck’s mirror with a hammer. Dennis Long was arrested...
Nevada County Authorities Identify Kiely Rodni as the Submerged Vehicle’s Victim
Nevada County Authorities Identify Kiely Rodni as the Submerged Vehicle’s Victim. Author: Nevada Globe Staff NEVADA – The body of the person who was found dead in the Prosser Reservoir on Aug. 21 was given an autopsy today. The Nevada County Sheriff-Coroner has said that the person who died was...