Blood Donations Are Encouraged by the Nevada Red Cross for People Who Have Been Impacted by Winter Storm
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, December 27, 2022 11:52 am
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (702 Times, NV Globe) – The American Red Cross of Southern Nevada is inviting residents to donate blood to patients who have just been afflicted by the country’s catastrophic winter storm.
Hundreds of Red Cross blood drives have been halted as a result of the huge storm, leaving over 9,000 prospective donors uncollected.
“The severe winter weather is coming at a time of the year when the holidays and travel obligations already caused a slowdown in donations,” said Rachel Flanigan, Executive Director of the American Red Cross Southern Nevada Chapter.
“Southern Nevadans – especially those with type O blood – are urged to give blood now. The Red Cross depends on generous volunteer blood donors every day to provide lifesaving blood for those in need, but especially during times of disaster.”
Every day, the Red Cross must collect roughly 12,500 blood and almost 3,000 platelet donations for patients now undergoing medical procedures and treatments at over 2,500 hospitals and transfusion facilities across the country.
Credits: News3LV
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