Ely State Prison Hunger Strike Ended Without Formal Settlement
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, December 29, 2022 10:58 am
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (702 Times, NV Globe) – A hunger strike at Ely State Prison in Northern Nevada appears to have ended, according to a Department of Corrections official.
The Northern Nevada Correctional Center in Carson City still had one prisoner on strike as of Wednesday, while there were none striking at the jail in Ely.
“No official agreement was drawn up,” NDOC spokesperson Teri Vance said via email.
This month at Ely State Prison, 39 prisoners participated in a hunger strike at one time.
According to prisoner advocacy organizations, the strike was sparked by insufficient food rations, cruel treatment, disciplinary problems, and frequent lockdowns.
In response, the Department of Corrections made certain announcements, including modifications to the way punishments are applied.
Credits: News3LV
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