Home>702Times>Hearing Set to Decide if Teen Beating Suspect Will Be Tried as An Adult

Hearing Set to Decide if Teen Beating Suspect Will Be Tried as An Adult

By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, April 18, 2024 2:02 pm

A Clark County Family Court judge will hold a hearing on May 8th to determine whether a minor suspect in the fatal beating of a high school student will be charged as an adult.

A Life Cut Short

Jonathan Lewis, 17, was attacked in an alleyway near Rancho High School last November. The brutal beating ultimately resulted in his death. Las Vegas Police apprehended nine suspects, with a tenth still unidentified.

Four of the suspects have already been charged as adults with second-degree murder. The remaining individuals, aged 16 or younger, are facing charges in juvenile court.

Self-Defense Argument Rejected

This week, Clark County District Court Judge Tiera Jones denied attempts by the four adult defendants to have their murder charges dismissed. They had argued self-defense, claiming Lewis initiated the altercation.

Judge Jones ruled against them, stating that a grand jury’s role is not to determine guilt or innocence, but simply whether sufficient evidence exists to suggest a crime occurred. The judge’s order noted, “The evidence presented demonstrates Defendant’s participation in a series of acts which resulted in beating and causing harm to the victim.”

Trial Date Set

The court has set a trial date for the four adult defendants: Monday, August 19th.

Uncertain Future for Juvenile Defendant

The May 8th hearing will determine whether the remaining, younger suspect will also face adult charges in the death of Jonathan Lewis.

Credits: Fox5Vegas

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