Home>702Times>Las Vegas Police Sergeant Arrested, Faces Multiple Charges

Las Vegas Police Sergeant Arrested, Faces Multiple Charges

By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, August 31, 2024 4:32 pm

A Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) officer has been arrested and is facing several charges, including Battery on a Protected Person and Oppression under Color of Office. Sergeant Kevin Menon, who has been with the LVMPD since 2014, was assigned to the Tourist Safety Division, Convention Center Area Command.

Menon was placed on leave with pay in May pending an investigation into allegations brought to the Internal Affairs Bureau. The specific details of the allegations have not been released at this time.

In addition to Battery on a Protected Person, Menon also faces charges of Oppression under Color of Office (8 counts) and Subornation of Perjury (2 counts). The investigation remains active and ongoing.

This incident highlights the importance of accountability within law enforcement agencies. While the majority of police officers serve their communities with integrity, it is crucial that any allegations of misconduct are thoroughly investigated and appropriate action is taken.

Source: News 3 LV

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