Rise in Car Thefts Across Las Vegas Leads Victims to Start Support Community Online
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, January 16, 2023 9:54 am
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (702 Times, NV Globe) – The victims of the crime have created a new community to assist others as vehicle thefts in the valley increase.
More than 10,600 automobile thefts were recorded in 2022, according to figures from the Las Vegas Metro Police Department.
That is a significant increase from the just over 9,000 in 2021, or a 20% increase.
Among the many victims is Nick James, whose car was stolen while it was parked at a Las Vegas Hotel. While police searched for his vehicle, James started a Facebook group called “Stolen Cars of Las Vegas.”
“I want to help people get the word out to find their cars. It’s a crappy feeling to walk out from either going to the gym, going to the grocery store, just doing any normal things, and to just walk out and find your car missing. It’s not a great feeling,” James said.
Members of the Facebook group are able to submit images and details about their stolen car in the hopes that someone may come across it.
Weeks later, police were able to find James’ car.
Call Crime Stoppers at (702) 385-5555 if you have any information that will aid police in stopping these car thefts.
Credits: news3lv
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