The Southern Nevada Foundation Donating Almost $2 Million in College Scholarships to CCSD Students
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, December 16, 2022 5:44 am
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (702 Times, NV Globe) – With the first semester of the school year coming to a conclusion, winter break is a great time to start applying for college scholarships.
The Rogers Foundation is now accepting applications for its two scholarship programs.
Those interested in scholarship possibilities are encouraged to review the minimal qualifying requirements and apply directly online at The Roger Foundation’s website here.
The application deadline is February 5, 2023.
Rogers Achievers Scholarships and Kentucky Wesleyan Rogers’ Fellows Scholarships are among the two scholarship programs available.
A minimum of 11 Rogers Achievers Scholarships ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 each year for four years will be awarded. The funds are transferable to any college or institution in the United States.
A minimum of ten full-ride Kentucky Wesleyan Rogers’ Fellows Scholarships to attend Kentucky Wesleyan College will also be awarded.
“Scholarship season is our favorite time of year as we get to fulfill our ongoing pledge to transform lives through arts and education,” Michelle Sanders, Executive Vice President, and COO of The Rogers Foundation said. “We want to encourage these students to apply for a scholarship so they can pursue their educational goals. The stress of planning for college is hard and real and we want to help ease the financial stress associated with attending college.”
While candidates must complete the SAT or ACT, there is no minimum score requirement.
Credits: 8NewsNow
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