Hosting “Fill the Humvee Toy Drive” Is TMCC and UNR Veteran Services
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, November 16, 2022 7:09 am
RENO, Nev. (775 Times, NV Globe) – For the Christmas season, there is an opportunity to give back to children in our community. Toys for Tots is being held by TMCC Veteran Services.
Starting at 8 a.m. till 4 p.m. today New, unopened presents will be gathered right here at the TMCC Dandini campus roundabout.
The University of Nevada, Reno Veteran Services, and New Student Initiatives have joined forces with TMCC to fill a Humvee with gifts for children of all ages.
A Humvee is roughly the size of a midsize pickup truck, according to veteran services. They intend to fill it.
Donors will be directed via signs, and you will not even need to get out of your car.
TMCC stated that this is a chance to ensure that children in our community enjoy a memorable Christmas season.
Veteran Services Program Coordinator Felipe Gutiérrez de Alba stated,
“What I love about this organization is all the toys stay local, they don’t leave, they stay here in Washoe County which is a big plus for us. We’re helping our local kids. We’re making their Christmas for them.”