Lung Cancer Is the Leading Cause of Cancer Death in Nevada
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, October 30, 2022 2:27 pm
Lung Cancer Is the Leading Cause of Cancer Death in Nevada
NEVADA – Despite screening and treatment improvements, lung cancer remains the top cause of cancer mortality in Nevada and the U.S. This year, it’s anticipated that 2,030 Nevadans will be diagnosed with lung cancer and 1,170 will die from it.
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about screening and reducing risk.
“Lung cancer is more common than many know, but a stigma has driven many to avoid sharing it,” said Nevada Cancer Coalition executive director Cari Herington. As with all cancers, knowledge is power. LDCT screening can discover lung tumors early, when they’re easier to treat and more survivable. We want Nevadans to know that talking about lung cancer and lung cancer screening saves lives and reduces stigma.
Nevada only screens 1% of high-risk lung cancer patients. More screenings will save lives by detecting tumors early when they’re simpler to treat, say, healthcare providers.
2021 screening guidelines expanded to encompass millions more at-risk people. Adults 50-80 with a 20-pack-year smoking history who smoke or quit within the prior 15 years should be screened annually. Twenty pack years is one pack a day for 20 years or two packs a day for 10.
Herington believes Nevada has distinct lung cancer challenges.
Rural residents smoke more and have less LDCT screening, she said. Many state healthcare partners are attempting to change that. The Nevada Tobacco Quitline is helping more people quit smoking, while Northeastern Nevada Regional Hospital in Elko has initiated lung cancer screening programs. We’re making progress; share the word!”
Most large hospitals in Nevada provide LDCT screening, and primary care providers can advise patients on the procedure. Medicare, Medicaid, and most insurers cover the screening exam for those who qualify.
Lung cancer isn’t solely from smoking. Secondhand smoke, radon in homes or workplaces, particulate matter pollution, and other toxins raise lung cancer risk.
Credits: 2 News
Copyright 2022 775 Times, NV Globe. All rights reserved.
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