Reno’s New Traditions and Holiday Shopping
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, December 19, 2022 6:33 am
RENO, Nev. (775 Times, NV Globe) – Christmas is less than a week away, and people are out and about finishing up their holiday shopping. However, for others, the holidays may look a little different this year.
Even while high costs may be influencing how people purchase this Christmas season, there are other reasons to change up certain holiday customs. “Usually I struggle with what to purchase, not how much it costs,” says Christmas shopper Robert Nobriga, “but certainly, the prices are a touch more this year.”
Aside from the fact that costs are high owing to inflation this holiday season, it might be difficult to predict what the ideal present would be. Especially if the person you’re shopping for doesn’t know what they want.
Nobriga also mentions “I struggle every year; I ask everybody what they want, and they say I don’t know…” Making for a tricky shopping season for shoppers all over the country. Some local shoppers at the Reno Public Market say they start holiday shopping as early as possible, not just to save money but also to give them more time to find the right gift. Lydia Poon, another holiday shopper we spoke to says, “You can see things when you’re shopping and then realize oh that’s perfect for so and so.”
However, many families are planning a lesser Christmas party.
They claim that consumers may save money by simply buying less or by taking a more unconventional approach, such as the traditional white elephant gift exchange.
Dylan Glatt, a self-proclaimed “Sort-of” holiday shopper tells us what him and his family are doing for the holidays this year “The littler kids are the ones where were like ok were still going to be buying gifts for them because that’s fun, they love it, we love it but for us and each other probably less.” A few gift-givers are getting crafty in the kitchen as an alternative to store-bought gifts. Poon tells us “We’ve been doing a lot of baking at home, so I think something homemade is always really appreciated by friends so it’s really the thought that counts of course.”
For the holidays, most shoppers agree, family always come first. Glatt explains “We’re getting old I don’t know, it’s like it’s becoming more of a production each year so were trying to focus more attention on the things we care about.” Nobriga also says “There’s the dinner and just the family aspect of being around together and we’re looking forward to that rather than the commercial side of it because if everything’s going to be too expensive and too hard to get… well then you’ve got to adapt.”
Many individuals say they plan to make buying little gifts for the holidays a new holiday tradition in the future.
Credits: 2News
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