The Nevada State Treasurer’s Office Distributes Information for Postsecondary Education
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, November 22, 2022 9:47 am
RENO, Nev. (775 Times, NV Globe) – Those who aspire to attend college or university have access to resources. With November being National Scholarship Month, the Nevada State Treasurer’s Office is reminding individuals about opportunities to save.
Students can get money if they apply for scholarships.
The Nevada State Treasurer’s Office is the initial step in assisting students with college planning, saving, and payment. They recommend that you finish your FAFSA application by June 30th. The Nevada Prepaid Tuition application was recently released last month, and it provides a means to save in a systematic manner.
This can be utilized to pay for your child’s college education wherever that accepts the FAFSA. The deadline for enrolling in prepaid tuition is April 30th.
The scholarship database compiles a list of financing options for Nevada students.
Dr. Tya Mathis-Coleman, Deputy Treasurer of College Savings, stated that their office is here to assist you whether you are seeking a degree or preparing ahead for your child.
“We understand post-secondary education can be daunting. You don’t know what you don’t know. We really just want to sit down with families and help them navigate wherever their journey takes them. We start with elementary, middle school, and high school and we actually have some college students that reach out to our office, so it really just depends on where you are at in your journey.”
Scholarships are accessible and all in one location on the Home Page – My ASP.NET Application (nevadatreasurer.gov)
More information is available from the Nevada State Treasurer’s Office here.
Credits: KoloTv
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