On The Record With Captain Sam Brown

Brown: ‘I am running for Nevadans, Jacky Rosen runs from Nevadans’

Captain Sam Brown addresses supporters in Reno, NV (Photo: Megan Barth for The Nevada Globe)

The Globe had our first opportunity to conduct a quick interview with Captain Sam Brown, Nevada GOP candidate for U.S. Senate, prior to President Trump’s rally in Reno last Friday. According to polling, Brown trails Senator Jacky Rosen by single digits and significantly trails his democratic incumbent in fundraising. President Trump has endorsed Brown and further honored the wounded Army veteran during his RNC acceptance speech, stating, “He’s a real hero, a really great person, and he’s running. I hope that everybody gets out and votes for Sam Brown.”

Nevada GOP US Senate Candidate Captain Sam Brown at the RNC convention (Photo: @CaptainSamBrown)

We are just 25 days from Election Day. You have had a long campaign. How are you feeling, in general, and how are you feeling about your chances to flip the Senate?

I feel great. I mean, I know that intellectually I should be exhausted and tired. But, as I travel around this state and I see and talk to people, I am just so fired up and have gained more energy every time I am with Nevadans. I feed off of their excitement and their hope, but there is also a desperation from the people I speak to. There is a need for change and a need for President Trump to win, get back in the White House, and for Nevadans to win and take back the senate majority.

The polls are all over the place but consistently show that you’re down, and outside the margin of error. What are your thoughts on polling, especially after the 2022 election?

They are all over the place. But, I’m not focused on the polls. We’ll let pundits talk about that sort of stuff. What I’m telling you is that there is a larger silent majority now than there was in 2016. The American people and Nevadans need a champion, they see a champion in President Trump, and they know that I’ll be a champion for them. Polls aside, we’re getting into groups of voters, that Republicans, frankly, haven’t done a great job within the past.

What voters are those?

We’re talking to union members, Hispanic families, Asian American Pacific Islanders, and working in Democratic strongholds. There is no one that’s off limits, because at the end of the day, we’re all impacted by the policies of the Harris-Biden administration and Jacky Rosen’s votes. Her votes in support of Bidenomics that have led to higher costs, or her votes on border issues, or her going along with Biden’s policies, nearly 100 percent of the time, that have allowed for this border crisis to occur. She has been absent where we needed her most. People know I’ll be there for them, as will President Trump.

You are trailing Rosen in fundraising. The Globe has reported that over 90 percent of her donors reside outside the state of Nevada. Her top two states are New York and California. What do your numbers look like and would you like to comment on the amount she has received from a majority of donors who do not reside in Nevada?

Jacky Rosen has a major fundraising advantage that is dependent on coastal elites, yet, this race is so close–which shows how dependent she is on the money from people who aren’t Nevadans. It also shows how desperate Chuck Schumer is in that he will help raise her money from other states. But contrasted to that, our largest share of donations from a single state is Nevada. Now, we have tens of thousands of Americans across the country who are contributing to us as well. But our largest share comes from Nevadans. I’m proud of that because I’m running for Nevadans. Jacky runs from Nevadans.

Last question. In the final stretch of the campaign, what is your message to win independents, the largest voting bloc in Nevada?

By now, Nevadans largely know if they’re gonna be supporting President Trump or Kamala Harris. I truly believe in my heart, President Trump is going to win this state. But, there are some Nevadans who haven’t decide if they will vote for Jacky Rosen or Sam Brown. I need Nevadans to realize that if President Trump does not have a senate majority, Chuck Schumer will do everything he can to stop the America First agenda we desperately need to bring down costs, make the country energy independent, and reverse the damaging open-border policies of the Harris-Biden administration that have been rubber-stamped by Jacky Rosen. I’m asking for them to believe in me, to vote for me, and to give me an opportunity to be a part of a Republican senate majority that will advance President Trump’s agenda.


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Megan Barth: Megan Barth is the founding editor of The Nevada Globe. She has written for The Hill, The Washington Times, The Daily Wire, American Thinker, Canada Free Press and The Daily Caller and has appeared frequently on, among others, Headline News CNN, NewsMax TV and One America News Network. When she isn't editing, writing, or talking, you can find her hiking and relaxing in The Sierras.

View Comments (2)

  • No fan of Rosen but Brown sank his ship when he stupidly reopened the idea of storing nuclear waste in Nevada. And then back peddled. Plus he is pro mining and has no qualms of pushing anything 'energy' despite its potential devastating affect on the environment and Nevada's groundwater. I am no liberal but these issues should be a concern to all parties instead of the god forsaken dollar.

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