CCSD Makes National News For Sexually Explicit Assignment

15 year old female student forced to memorize and act out sexually explicit material

CCSD Board of Trustees meeting Oct. 28, 2021. (Photo: The Nevada Globe Editor for The Nevada Globe)

As the Clark County School District (CCSD) continues to make headlines for all the wrong reasons: illiterate students; a failing education system; rampant violence; teacher shortages and race-based curriculum, a video released by Libs of Tik Tok has caused nationwide and local outrage.

In the video, a visibly distraught mother at the Board of Trustees meeting attempts to read the sexually graphic assignment given to her 15 year old daughter by her school teacher. Her microphone was abruptly cut off.

The assignment, according to the mother, was to be repeated over and over again until her daughter could recite it from memory and act it out in front of the entire class.

Power to Parent received and posted the full assignment (Warning: graphic language):

The Globe attempted to contact CCSD for comment. Our inquiry went ignored. However, we have grown accustomed to CCSD ignoring our requests. Victor Joecks of the Las Vegas Review Journal was initially ignored, but when CCSD realized they could no longer avoid the press, they sent this statement:

Charlie De La Paz, candidate for Assembly District 19 and parental rights advocate weighed in, telling The Globe:

“As a mother of four children–three in CCSD, I have spent the last eight years advocating for families and students in situations like this. The policies and curriculum that CCSD and teachers create continue to prove our point: the rights of parents to choose what their children learn in school are continually circumvented and our children are no longer safe. No one within the district is ever held accountable. This has got to stop. CCSD’s response on Twitter was clearly avoiding responsibility for this. When will they ever take responsibility? We need to get back to the basics where children are learning core subjects and not exposed to sexually graphic and explicit material and language. In the workplace, if an employee were subject to the same training as this student was by their superior, the employee could easily sue them for sexual harassment. Why are more protections given to adults in the workplace than is given to our own children?”

Many GOP candidates released public statements on Twitter:

Joe Lombardo:

“It is disgraceful and shameful that this parent wasn’t allowed to continue speaking at the CCSD School Board Meeting. Yet it is even more disgraceful and shameful that CCSD students are getting inappropriate, explicit assignments like this, while the school district is failing to meet basic academic benchmarks. Instead of choosing to use their limited time and resources to prioritize school safety and education, CCSD is having students role play asking for sex and act out sexually explicit scripts,” said Sheriff Joe Lombardo. “This incident is sick, depraved, and unacceptable. Our education system is irreparably failing and damaging our kids, and the parents who are brave enough to speak up are silenced and dismissed by the school board. Enough is enough. We have to take our state back and demand accountability in our education system for the future of our kids.”

Guy Nohra:

“We need to take our schools back. Our kids are deficient in reading, writing, math, and science and this is the content that is being “taught.” ENOUGH. We MUST hold teachers accountable. We MUST hold schools accountable.”

Adam Laxalt:

“Clark County School officials are just fine with graphic content being taught in classrooms while they silence parents who raise concerns about it. Leftists are destroying our schools, we have to stop this.”

The Globe has contacted the mother of the student who was silenced by the Board of Trustees. This is a developing story.

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Megan Barth: Megan Barth is the founding editor of The Nevada Globe. She has written for The Hill, The Washington Times, The Daily Wire, American Thinker, Canada Free Press and The Daily Caller and has appeared frequently on, among others, Headline News CNN, NewsMax TV and One America News Network. When she isn't editing, writing, or talking, you can find her hiking and relaxing in The Sierras. She was the Main Editor from August 2021 to December 2024.

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