Trackergate: John Doe Mounts Defense, Denies Allegations

John Doe has filed numerous motions, including a motion to dismiss

Mayor of Reno, Hillary Schieve (Photo: CIty of Reno)

The Globe has obtained a copy of motions, filed late Friday on behalf of John Doe, for a case that has garnered national attention and referred to as Trackergate. The case involves plaintiffs Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve and former Washoe County Commissioner Vaughn Hartung against private investigator David McNeely.

The Globe has extensively covered this civil case, and the case prompted bipartisan lawmakers to draft legislation prohibiting the use of tracker devices by private investigators unless they receive a warrant. Currently, Nevada statute allows for licensed and certified private investigators to use tracking devices, without a warrant, in their respective investigations.

John Doe has filed numerous motions, including a motion to dismiss (as seen below).

2023-05-05 John Doe - Answer to Amended Complaint

John Doe admits to hiring David McNeely, but rejects all allegations levied in the civil complaint and further contends, in part, that they and McNeely: acted within the bounds of the Nevada constitution, damages to plaintiffs were caused by 3rd parties, they intended no harm to plaintiffs, and requests a motion to dismiss.

John Doe also reserves to amend the complaint should further information become available through related discovery.

The Globe will continue its coverage of this case which has not only garnered national attention, but related legislative action.

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Megan Barth: Megan Barth is the founding editor of The Nevada Globe. She has written for The Hill, The Washington Times, The Daily Wire, American Thinker, Canada Free Press and The Daily Caller and has appeared frequently on, among others, Headline News CNN, NewsMax TV and One America News Network. When she isn't editing, writing, or talking, you can find her hiking and relaxing in The Sierras. She was the Main Editor from August 2021 to December 2024.
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