Investigation finds $150K Missing in Senator Neal’s Campaign Reports

Democratic State Senator Dina Neal’s (SD-4) campaign finance reports allegedly show that $150,000 is unaccounted for or has “seemingly disappeared.” Victor Joeck’s of the Review-Journal found that, since 2021, her year-0ver-year totals are also off-balance. His eye-opening report reveals: Despite her modest start, Neal’s fundraising soon took off. Eventually chairing...

13 Nevada Legislators Funneled $33 Million To Connected Organizations

A new Las Vegas Review-Journal report details more examples of ethical concerns involving additional Senators Marilyn Dondero Loop and Dina Neal, Assemblywoman Bea Duran, and Democrat Party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno, who is also an Assemblywoman and claimed she was “instrumental” in passing the bill. This comes after both Assemblyman Cameron “C.H.” Miller...

Democrats Kill Opportunity Scholarships For Hundreds of Low-Income Students

In an unanimous vote, the Democratic majority on the Interim Finance Committee (IFC) refused to approve Governor Lombardo’s proposed $3.4 million to protect hundreds of Opportunity Scholarships for low-income students. Republican members of the committee unanimously approved the funding. During the lengthy hearing, numerous parents, students, and organization stressed the...