Bipartisan Support In State Senate For Transgender Inmates And Abortion

The saying “politics makes strange bedfellows” is certainly appropriate to describe the latest bipartisan votes in the State Senate. After Senate Bill 131 passed with bipartisan support, the NV GOP tweeted that they were “horrified.” Senate Bill 131, as The Globe reported, codifies former Governor Sisolak’s Executive Order who had...

Governor Lombardo Introduces Election Integrity Bill

As promised during his State of the State address, Governor Lombardo has introduced Senate Bill 405 which upends the sweeping changes to election laws the Democratic majority passed during the pandemic without a single Republican vote. Lombardo’s proposal includes: photo identification to vote; the last four digits of a...

NPRI Files Motion Against Eleven State Lawmakers For Violating Constitution

Following their unanimous Nevada Supreme Court victory in April, which allowed  all citizens to bring constitutional separation of powers challenges without having to satisfy the traditional standing requirements, the Nevada Policy Research Institute (NPRI) has filed a second lawsuit (see below) against 11 state lawmakers for violating the state constitution...