Poll: Majority of Nevadans Support Gov Lombardo’s Election Integrity Proposals

Yesterday, the Nevada Democratic Party Chairwoman, Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno, had some choice words for Governor Joe Lombardo in response to his election integrity proposals found in Senate Bill 405: “Not even halfway through the legislative session, Governor Lombardo is making his priorities clear: rolling back voting rights. Lombardo is more...

Governor Lombardo Introduces Election Integrity Bill

As promised during his State of the State address, Governor Lombardo has introduced Senate Bill 405 which upends the sweeping changes to election laws the Democratic majority passed during the pandemic without a single Republican vote. https://twitter.com/JosephMLombardo/status/1620489276113960961?s=20 Lombardo’s proposal includes: photo identification to vote; the last four digits of a...

EXCLUSIVE: WCSD Sued Over Gender Identity Regulations And Parental Exclusion Policies

Attorney’s Sigal Chattah and Joey Gilbert have filed a lawsuit against Washoe County School District (WCSD) in relation to the district’s enforcement of regulation 5161 entitled Gender Identity And Non-Conformity Students. The regulation establishes protocols and informs staff regarding transgender and gender non-conforming students in WCSD. The regulation authorizes children...