LVMS Is Secure Enough to Stage Thanksgiving Drag Races Despite a Lack of Adhesive
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, November 10, 2022 7:16 am
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (702 Times, NV Globe) – The Las Vegas Motor Speedway said Wednesday that adequate traction compound has been secured to hold the Thanksgiving Bracket Nationals in November. This came just hours after the event was canceled.
The statement was made just after 4 p.m. on social media.
“UPDATE! In the last few hours, enough traction compound has been secured to run the Thanksgiving Bracket Nationals, Nov. 23-27. The Summit Racing Equipment Mayhem on Dec. 2 and Test ‘n’ Tune on Dec. 3 are still canceled. Sorry for the confusion and inconvenience this has caused,” according to the Twitter post.
The traction compound acts as a glue to safely prepare track surfaces, allowing for the optimum tire grip for drag strip racing and assisting in keeping the automobile under control.
According to industry magazines, there is a global scarcity of a chemical in the product, as well as transportation concerns.
The Las Vegas Motor Speedway stated earlier Wednesday that it had spent weeks seeking to get shipments of the adhesive. Extra barrels were given by an unnamed glue supplier to rescue the speedway’s annual Thanksgiving Bracket Nationals.
Credits: 8NewsNow
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