Mt. Rose Highway Single Lane Will Be Closed Starting on Thursday
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, October 20, 2022 11:34 am
Lower Mt. Rose Highway (State Route 431) will be closed from Oct. 20 to 22 as the Nevada Department of Transportation makes road repairs.
Between 6:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m., one lane of westbound Mt. Rose Highway at Thompson Lane will be blocked. and 5 p.m. NDOT will be performing road repairs from October 20 to 22. Drivers will still be allowed to use the roadway in both directions.
Motorists driving westbound could expect slight delays.
Last month, a four-inch dip was discovered along the roadside shoulder.
NDOT filled and temporarily repaved the area with an asphalt repair as soon as it was discovered for driving safety.
Crews will remove and completely rebuild the eroding area this week.
The construction schedule may be changed.
More information on state highways is accessible at dot.nv.gov or by calling (775) 888-7000. Follow @NevadaDOTReno on Twitter for traffic and project updates in northern Nevada, as well as @nevadadot on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for state-wide updates.
Credits: 2News
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