Nevada Assembly Considers Bill To Increase The Number Of Students Per Teacher
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, February 15, 2023 1:42 pm
NEVADA – If a bill now in the legislature is passed, it might affect class sizes across the state by establishing minimum and maximum student-teacher ratios.
Class sizes in grades K-12 would be regulated by AB42. Class sizes will be reported to the State Board of Education, among other new requirements for schools.
Here are the percentage breakdowns:
• Kindergarten: an increase from 16 to 18 students per teacher.
• First grade: an increase from 16 to 20 students per teacher
• Second grade: an increase from 16 to 20 students per teacher
• Third grade: an increase from 18 to 20 students per teacher.
• For Math and English classes, grades fourth, fifth, and sixth would be set to 25 students per teacher.
• For those same classes but grades seventh through 12th, the size would be set to 30 pupils per teacher.
Credits: Fox 5 Vegas
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