San Rafael Park’s New Playground Will Be Funded by Washoe County
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, November 16, 2022 7:00 am
RENO, Nev. (775 Times, NV Globe) – Washoe County will get funding to build a new playground at Rancho San Rafael Park.
The Nevada Division of State Parks Land & Water Conservation Fund awarded the money for an all-inclusive playground described by the county.
It will include the redesign and replacement of an existing playground at the park in order to provide recreational opportunities for all children, regardless of aptitude.
The county will match the award, which is worth more than $450,000. The new playground is scheduled to open in the summer of 2025.
According to the county, the present playground contains obsolete play equipment, picnic tables that are neither shaded or accessible, and just one ADA parking spot. The playground equipment, surface, and surrounding amenities have also been regarded as inaccessible, particularly for wheelchair users.
The new equipment will go above and beyond ADA accessibility standards.
Credits: KoloTv
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