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Sen. Jacky Rosen stands with Border Patrol agent (Photo: @SenJackyRosen)

OPINION: Sen Rosen Continues to Play Political Games With Our Southern Border

Every town in Nevada has become a border town as our communities are overrun by illegal immigrants

By Tony Grady, April 19, 2024 12:47 pm

Sadly, but unsurprisingly, Nevada Senator Jacky Rosen has remained mostly silent as the Senate dismisses the impeachment of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas. In February, Mayorkas became the first cabinet secretary to be impeached since 1876 when it was discovered that he purposefully and strategically refused to follow multiple immigration laws, neglecting his duty to our country. 

Congress spent nearly a year investigating the crisis, during which, millions more illegal immigrants flooded into our country. After voting to confirm Mayorkas, Rosen has stood silent through years of investigations, refusing to comment on the man she once said she was “proud” to confirm.

Now, Democrats, including Rosen, refuse to take their job seriously and check the debacle of the Biden administration’s border policies.

Rosen’s silence, and refusal to acknowledge our border crisis, is another failure to the people of Nevada.

In the last three years, every town in Nevada has become a border town as our communities are overrun by illegal immigrants.

I am heartbroken to know an increasing number of Americans who have personal stories and tragic memories related to our border crisis. My family and I have seen horror stories unravel in our own communities from illegal immigrants who have committed violent, horrifying crimes against innocent people.

Rep. Steven Horsford pictured with VP an Border Czar Kamala Harris, Rep. Susie Lee and Rep. Jacky Rosen (Photo: @RepHorsford)

Folks may remember the violent string of murders that took place in Carson City five years ago, when a 19-year-old illegal immigrant named Wilber Ernesto Martinez-Guzman brutally murdered four elderly residents in their homes. The murderer is a citizen and national of El Salvador and entered the United States illegally years ago. A month later, Rosen commented on the issue and focused on blaming President Trump for honoring the victims’ families rather than commenting on the need to secure our southern border once and for all. 

These stories are all too common.

Just last month, an illegal immigrant was arrested after a search of his vehicle revealed cocaine, methamphetamine, four firearms, and $13,000 in cash. I dread to think of the intentions this individual may have had and how many more people are still freely roaming Nevada with intents that could harm innocent Nevadans; harm caused by Secretary Mayorkas’ neglect of responsibility and Democrats like Jacky Rosen’s failure to call out his poor leadership.  

Nevadans aren’t surprised by Rosen’s complete disregard for American national security at our southern border.

In fact, her whole career has been focused on partisan, political talking points instead of solutions.

In 2019, Rosen called President Trump’s decision to declare a national emergency at the southern border “reckless” and without justification; she also said that she believed Trump was “hung up” on the idea of a border wall, but did not offer her own solutions.

In 2021, Rosen praised President Biden for dismantling Trump’s border policies, saying, “On day one, President Biden is already hard at work to enact an agenda that will help to improve the lives of Nevadans and help restore the soul of our nation.”

It’s simple – Rosen praised President Biden for getting rid of President Trump’s border policies.

Three years later, the results are clear: over 9 million illegal immigrants have crossed our southern border under Joe Biden and dozens of people from our terrorist watch list have been encountered. Meanwhile, Rosen continues to play partisan games. 

Enough is enough. 

Rosen’s conformity to far-left border policy has worsened the lives and safety of every Nevadan.

She has remained silent for years while our border crisis gets worse and worse as Republicans try to get accountability for Mayorkas’ failures.

Rosen has chosen to remain loyal to a political agenda rather than the constituents she claims to represent.

The people of Nevada are ready for a change.

I’m running a different kind of campaign – one where I will always do what is best for you and not follow a party agenda or what the establishment or big-dollar donors tell me too. I want our country to go forward and my children, and all of our children, to live in a vibrant America full of opportunities. I want future generations to have better choices than the path that we’re on right now.

When I’m elected to the U.S. Senate, I will focus on building a border wall, getting additional funding for border security and innovative technologies, and I will always stand with our brave national guard troops and border patrol agents. We need to take the crisis at our southern border seriously and do everything possible to solve this crisis.

For the last six-years, Jacky Rosen has been asleep at the wheel as our country is invaded and Nevada is overrun.

On day one, I will get to work for the people of Nevada. First up: securing our southern border.  

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Tony Grady
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2 thoughts on “OPINION: Sen Rosen Continues to Play Political Games With Our Southern Border

  1. Does she have a comment or reached out to the families of the 2 people stabbed to death in front of luxury Strip hotels allegedly by a Guatemalan “undocumented “ ?? Who possibly could have been charged with crimes in SoCal that would have brought a 1 to 4 year sentence?? But came up here an now deemed mentally incompetent to stand trial.

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