WCSD Administration building, (Photo: KUNR)
OPINION: The True Power and Responsibility of a WCSD Trustee
WCSD desperately needs new leadership and trustees who are willing to put education and student success first in every meeting, every decision and every vote
By Chris Tabarez, May 21, 2024 1:10 pm
“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” George Orwell, 1984
Washoe County School District has immense power; the power to shape the minds of 60,000 students each day. It has a huge responsibility to do so in a way that promotes student success. Are district policy makers using this incredible power and responsibility to shape students minds for a successful future? A simple internet search shows that education in Washoe County and Nevada is at or near the bottom on any list of state rankings.
Let’s take a look:
Chronic absenteeism plagues our schools, but district policy essentially offers no consequences for absenteeism, habitual truancy or tardiness. In fact, teachers cannot punish a student academically for absenteeism. How do I know? Over 30 percent of our students are chronically absent yet we have an 85 percent graduate rate. Is this how we want to shape the minds of our students, our future leaders and the workforce?
In the real world, attendance matters!
Academic proficiency has no impact on a student receiving a high school diploma. Don’t believe me? Only 45 percent of our high school students are grade level proficient in English and only 22 percent of high school students are grade level proficient in math. Yet 85 percent of students graduate high school? Is this how we want to shape the minds of our students, our future leaders and the workforce?
In the real world, performance and proficiency matter!
School violence and crime are at an all-time high in our schools, yet the current “Behavior Matrix” never calls for the enforcement of state law even in the case of clearly unlawful activity. Is this how we want to shape the minds of our students, our future leaders and the workforce?
In the real world, poor behavior, violence and crime lead to real world consequences!
Students are not being prepared for success. Their minds, habits and behaviors are being shaped contrary to what success in the real world requires; accountability, responsibility, work ethic and the ability to overcome obstacles. This and more must change, and it can, but it is going to take trustees who are willing to put education and student success first in every meeting, every decision and every vote.
If you work in WCSD, I understand your challenges and I will fight for you.
We have over 3,700 amazing, hardworking teachers, staff and administrators who go to work every day looking to do what they have trained for years to do, but they aren’t supported by policy makers, are put in a position to fail, and then are often blamed for that failure. The job of any leader is to put their team in a position to succeed, but how can a teacher succeed when students are not in school, when they have overcrowded classrooms, when students are engrossed in their phones and when there are few consequences?
WCSD desperately needs real leadership.
I am that leader.
My name is Chris Tabarez, and I am running for Washoe County School District, Board of Trustees, District D.
As a trustee, I will be a true advocate for students, parents, teachers, administrators and staff. Every day I see first-hand the effect board policy has and, judging by the current state of education, immediate action is needed. Vote for me, Chris Tabarez, on or before June 11.
Editors Note: During this campaign season, we welcome all op-ed’s from candidates and elected officials.
- OPINION: The True Power and Responsibility of a WCSD Trustee - May 21, 2024
What you are describing here Chris is liberal utopia. This model is carried out in the majority of school districts across our country.