SOS Aguilar Responds To House Inquiry on Primary ‘Glitch’
Criticizes lack of funding and assures that Nevada ‘runs some of the most secure, accessible, and fair elections in the country’
Criticizes lack of funding and assures that Nevada ‘runs some of the most secure, accessible, and fair elections in the country’
Clark County Judge Erika Ballou is no stranger to controversy since elected to the bench
Concerned Veterans for America Action also endorsed Nikki Haley in the GOP Presidential Primary
In response to the arrest of a Gold Star father, Brown says Biden Administration has no compassion or respect for military families
Multiple sources fear ‘The (VREMS) system is not going to work’
Marty McDonnell is entering competitive race to ‘restore sanity to Washington’
Rosen’s small lead falls well within the margin of error and spells trouble for the first time Nevada senator
Teacher Michael Ismari was sentenced to 30 days in jail and two years probation
Trump: ‘What Democrats have done to Nevada is a terrible thing’
NV RNC Committeewoman Sigal Chattah Files ‘Resolution for Fiscal Responsibility’ To increase accountability and transparency at the RNC