Vice Chair of Judiciary Committee Under Active State Bar Investigation

Today, Democratic leadership released their committee assignments for the upcoming 2025 legislative session (see below). One notable assignment from Assembly Leader Steve Yeager is his selection of Assemblywoman Elaine Marzola as the Vice Chair of the Judiciary committee. As reported by The Globe, Assemblywoman Marzola is under an...

Governor Lombardo Calls For Serious Reforms Upon Election Certification, ‘Nevadans Deserve Timely Election Results’

Today, three weeks after “Election Day,” the Nevada Supreme Court certified the 2024 General Election results, making the statewide results official. Through pandemic-era legislation passed unilaterally by the Democratic majority, ballots can be received and counted for three to four days after Election Day. The deadline for curing ballots was...

Nevada AG Vows To Protect The Rights of Undocumented Immigrants In Contact With Law Enforcement

Following yesterday’s announcement that Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford’s office “will be a bulwark” against any effort by the Trump administration “to impose unconstitutional mandates, override our system of checks and balances, or intrude upon the rights of any Nevada resident,” his office released two “Know Your Rights” documents to...