Car Buyers in Las Vegas Should Be Careful of VIN Switching, Police Say
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, September 2, 2022 9:09 am
Car Buyers in Las Vegas Should Be Careful of Vin Switching, Police Say
Author: Nevada Globe Staff
LAS VEGAS – DMV said it happens weekly and costs hundreds or thousands of dollars. Thieves steal an automobile and use its license plate on a similar-looking vehicle. They steal an automobile and try to resell it. A buyer who doesn’t check the VIN may be surprised at the DMV. They discover a false VIN and a stolen automobile. The buyer is out of the automobile and money.
“If someone wishes to sell their automobile privately, we tell them to get a VIN inspection at the DMV. “If you acquire a VIN-switched car, you may assume you have a valid title, but if it’s stolen, you’re out of luck,” said LVMPD Lieutenant Joe Lepore.
Metro Police’s VIPER squad, which handles car theft, is noticing increased VIN switching.
Nevada DMV allows VIN checks before buying a car from a private vendor. Check your VIN at DMV sites. Free, no-appointment checks are available. Five to ten cars’ VINs are replaced each month, according to the DMV. Counter workers saw them, they say.
Credits: Fox5Vegas
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