Home>702Times>One Las Vegas Family Reunited with Lost Dog After Nine Years

One Las Vegas Family Reunited with Lost Dog After Nine Years

By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, July 24, 2024 3:02 pm

LAS VEGAS — A Las Vegas family is overjoyed after their beloved chihuahua, Gizmo, was returned to them nine years after he went missing.

“I broke down in tears. I knew immediately it was him,” said Judith Monarrez, one of Gizmo’s owners. “I can’t forget those yellow amber eyes. I can’t forget them, ever — they’re Gizmo.”

Gizmo, now 11 years old, disappeared in 2015 when he and two other dogs escaped the family’s home. The other dogs were found, but Gizmo was not. Monarrez believes he was taken by someone who claimed they would check for a microchip but never did.

For years, Monarrez searched tirelessly for Gizmo, posting fliers and reaching out to online groups, but to no avail. “It was horrible. It was heartbreaking. It makes you lose faith in humanity,” she said.

Last Wednesday, Monarrez received an unexpected email from the microchip company she had registered Gizmo with. The email stated that Gizmo had been dropped off at the Animal Emergency Center in Henderson. The family rushed to the center and was reunited with their long-lost pet.

Gizmo is in poor health due to dental disease and an eye infection, and the family has set up a GoFundMe page to help cover his medical expenses. Despite the challenges, Monarrez is grateful for the microchip that ultimately led to Gizmo’s return.

“A microchip is permanent. It’ll have your identification just in case your pet every goes missing,” said Animal Foundation communications manager Kelsey Pizzi.

The Animal Foundation and other organizations offer microchipping services, and starting Aug. 1, all dogs and cats over the age of 4 months in Las Vegas will be required to have a microchip.

Monarrez hopes their story encourages other pet owners to microchip their animals and never give up hope of finding lost pets.

Source: KTNV

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