Home>775Times>Customers of NV Energy Concerned About Major Rate Hikes

Customers of NV Energy Concerned About Major Rate Hikes

By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, December 13, 2022 6:25 am

RENO, Nev. (775 Times, NV Globe) – “What’s going on with the energy?” asks David Bouse, and NV Energy Customer. “Why does the energy bill keep kicking in? Why does it keep ticking up?”

Bouse is irritated by the ticking clock.

He says he noticed the unexplainable increase beginning in October. He provided us with a current October bill and one that dates to last year. In 2021 he paid $238.00. Fair enough he says. But in October of this year his bill is now $281.00.

The head scratcher? He used 8% less energy than last year October.

“On the “21″ bill I paid I averaged, my daily average watts was 66.9. which I paid $238.00,” says Bouse. This year in 22. my average kilowatt was 61.4 less. But I paid $281.00. That’s a 40-some odd dollar increase.”

Although there are two more days in the billing month in October 2021, Bouse is having difficulty with the math. Many NV Energy customers are as well. They sent us their most current invoices.

One woman says it’s an 85% increase where her bill went up $200.00 dollars. Practically a car payment she says.

And another bill, $140.00 dollar increase over a one-year period.

No one we spoke with has raised their consumption in a way that would justify such an increase, they said. One woman informed us that she would be unable to put up Christmas lights this year.

“We have seen bills increase 25 and 30% this year just based on natural gas prices,” says Jennifer Schuricht, NV Energy Corporate Communications.

Schuricht says N-V Energy is paying more for natural gas and simply passing the cost on to customers. But she admits a $200.00 dollar increase in a power bill is surprising.

Bouse says customers aren’t just surprised, they are helpless.

“There is literally nothing I can do about it,” says Bouse. “If I want to keep electricity on, I have to give them the money they are asking for.”

Credits: KoloTv

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