Ronald McDonald Care Mobile to Provide Affordable Dental Care for Children in Carson City
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, April 5, 2023 8:00 pm
NEVADA – The Ronald McDonald Care Mobile is set to arrive in Carson City later this month with the aim to provide affordable dental care to children. The mobile clinic offers oral healthcare for children and young adults up to 21 years of age, with a focus on treatment, education, prevention, and advocacy. Interested patients are encouraged to make an appointment by phone at 800-787-2568. The Care Mobile will be available at two locations, including the Carson City McDonald’s on 3905 S. Carson Street from Monday, April 17 to Wednesday, April 19, and at Empire Elementary School on 1260 Monte Rosa Dr. on Thursday, April 20 and Friday, April 21. Most dental insurance plans, Medicaid, and Nevada Check-up will be accepted.
Credits: KOLOTV
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