National Weather in Reno Service Declares Frost Warning and Fire Weather Alert
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, October 20, 2022 8:15 am
Throughout the weekend, the National Weather Service in Reno has issued both a freeze warning and a fire weather watch for northern Nevada.
The freeze warning will be in force from Saturday evening till Sunday morning. Temperatures as low as 25 Farenheit are possible. Lassen-Eastern Plumas-Eastern Sierra Counties, Northern Washoe County, Mineral and Southern Lyon Counties, Surprise Valley, California, the Greater Reno-Carson City-Minden Area, and the Western Nevada Basin and Range, including Pyramid Lake, are all affected.
The probability of a freeze in the lower valleys is growing, according to authorities, for late Saturday night into early Sunday morning. Sunday night is anticipated to be much colder, with a hard frost in all places.
From Friday evening through Saturday morning, a fire weather watch is in force. For the Tahoe Basin and Sierra front, the National Weather Service predicts strong winds and low humidity.
Fire Weather Zones 272 Greater Lake Tahoe and Truckee Area, 420 Northern Sierra Front including Carson City, Douglas, Storey, Southern Washoe, Western Lyon, and Far Southern Lassen Counties, and 421 Southern Sierra Front including Alpine, Northern Mono, Southern Lyon, and Western Mineral Counties are all affected.
Officials advise people to avoid outside activities including yard maintenance, target shooting, and campfires that might generate a spark near dry vegetation.
Credits: Fox11
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